The European Decision Sciences Day is a collaborative endeavor among eminent European business schools, the founding members of which are INSEAD and IE Business School. Its objective is to convene scholars working on various research topics encompassing the domain of Decision Analysis from across Europe. By providing a platform for knowledge exchange and discourse, the conference strives to highlight the most recent research developments and latest advancements in the field. The conference follows a single-track structure with four sessions, featuring presentations of 30-minute duration by doctoral candidates, junior professors, and senior faculty members.
Exclusive invitations are extended for attendance at this conference.

> AGENDA (complete program here)
08:30 - 08:50 Registration and Welcome Coffee / Breakfast
08:50 - 09:00 Opening
09:00 - 10:30 Risk-taking
Mohammed Abdellaoui (HEC) Willingness to Bet on Imprecise Probabilities: Disentangling the Possibility and the Certainty Effects
Maximilian Voigt (Frankfurt School) Repeated Risk-Taking: Experimental Evidence
Jens Witkowski (Frankfurt School) An Equivalence Between Fair Division and Wagering Mechanisms
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Decision Making and Technology
Edika Quispe-Torreblanca (University of Leeds) Investor Logins and the Disposition Effect
Liliana Andreia Fernandes de Freitas (Instituto Superior Técnico) The effect of disaggregating summary statistics in Web-Delphi processes: results from a real-world experiment within Health Technology Assessment
Alessandra Cillo (LIUC) Should Advisors Signal Access to Algorithms?
12:45 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15 - 15:45 Decision Making with Societal Impact
Kirsten Rohde (EUR) Skipping your workout, again? Measuring and understanding time inconsistency in physical activity
Ozlem Tetik (LBS) Illness Severity and Consumers’ Experience with Side Effects
Uyanga Turmunkh (IESEG) Ambiguity Attitudes and Pro-environmental Behavior
15:45 - 16:15 Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:45 Risk and Choices
Johannes Müller-Trede (IESE) Risk Aversion for Qualitative Losses
Quang Duc Pham (IE) Habit Replacement: Evidence from two field studies
Samuel Hirshman (NHH) Does Increasing Risk Widen Gender Gaps?
17:45 - 18:00 Closing Remarks
20:45 - 22:00 Dinner in Lisbon at the Maria da Mouraria Restaurant (directions:
The registration to the conference is now closed.
Nova School of Business and Economics
Carcavelos Campus, R. da Holanda 1, 2775-405 Carcavelos
Please see the information here.