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Nova Healthcare Initiative in the media

Health Spending Observatory | 01 - <p>October&nbsp;2022 | Investigates the forecasts of the 2023 State Budget for the Health sector</p>
Congratulations Joana - <p>We have a new Doctor in town!&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Congratulations Alexandre - <p>We have a new Doctor in town!</p>
New paper “Development of the HIV360 international core set of outcome measures for adults living with HIV: A consensus process” - <p>The new year begins with&nbsp;good news. We have a new paper to celebrate!<br /> Congratulations to João Marques Gomes&nbsp;and the whole team behind &ldquo;Development of the HIV360 international core set...</br></p>
Congradulations Sara - <p>We have a new Doctor in town!</p>
Project wins 1.ª Edição do Prémio Professora Amélia Leitão - <p>&nbsp;Congratulations to the team from the project &ldquo;<strong>Rastreio de contactos de casos confirmados de infeção SARS-CoV-2 como indicador de necessidade de avaliação da situação pandémica</strong>&rdquo;, for...</p>
Survey Nova SBE/VISÃO: After the virus, what is to come? - <p>Sara Almeida and Eduardo Costa present more conclusions on what is to come after the first month with the new Corona viurs.</p>
Um olhar sobre os primeiros dias da COVID-19 em Portugal (only in Portuguese) - <p>O Nova SBE Health Economics &amp; Management Knowledge Center da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NHEM) está a acompanhar os hábitos dos portugueses durante a evolução do novo coronavírus no país. Veja as...</p>
NHEM's members: Eduardo Costa - <p>This section highlights the effort of the members of NHEM in communicating research with the society. Today, we&nbsp;present a sample&nbsp;of the recent contributions of Eduardo Costa.</p>
NHEM represented in Tilburg - <p>Luís Filipe, NHEM&#39;s member and Ph.D. student presented his job market paper, entitled &quot;<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QmWVRqEupeqt-CqXWF21skX7_K8uPXpX/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Partners in care! Health effects of providing care to spouses or partners</a>&quot;, at Tilburg University,...</p>
News . 17 July 2024 July 2024 | Ageing Report

A new report on the health sector is now available. The Ageing Report analyzes the current and future impact of population ageing on health expenditure and the elderly population's access to...

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