22 Jan '20
Events | Wednesday Summer School: Spatial Analysis, land-use and the environment

All economic activities have a spatial dimension, which is particularly important in the interface between the economy and the environment. However, this dimension is rarely taken into account when designing economic policies. This summer school motivates a learning process about the state-of-the-art, tools and models for spatial analysis in the fields of land-use and natural environment. In particular, students will have an introduction to spatial methods of analysis and how these methods can be used to improve economic policy advice and landscape management as well as be efficient tools for stakeholder involvement (e.g., landscape visualization).

The summer school will also make available the methodologies when it comes to the application of spatial statistics for economic analysis of environmental problems, urban land management and urban amenities/desamenities. Students will thus learn ways to incorporate space in economic applications, model spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity along with examples of how these methods can be applied to evaluate environmental amenities and to help design policies. To the effect, up-to-date software, such as R, ArcGIS and Stata will be part of the tool kit used in the summer school.

Topics addressed in the summer school include urbanization, ecosystem service mapping, conservation management, socio-economic development as well as conflict assessments between different land-use interests.

This summer school, organised by the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru, in collaboration with Nova SBE, is included in the project Land Use Changes at The Urban-Rural Interface: A Portuguese Case Study, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the grant agreement contract PTDC/EGE-ECO/30523/2017FCT.

Summer School: Spatial Analysis, land-use and the environment
  • From 22 January 2020
  • To 29 January 2020