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Proposals for Political Interventions in the Portuguese Healthcare System
News | 02 February 2024 Proposals for Political Interventions in the Portuguese Healthcare System

In a context of evolution within the Portuguese healthcare system, marked by various ongoing transformations in the National Health Service, and amidst electoral choices, we consider it valuable to articulate ideas for public policies in the field of health. This is a civic contribution intended to be beneficial.

The ideas presented here vary in their generality versus detail, in their immediate temporal horizon, whether short or long term, in their political cost, financial cost, and the technical demands of their creation and implementation.

While these ideas do not encompass all relevant areas of health policies, they touch upon aspects not always recognized by public decisions. They reaffirm general principles for the healthcare system, particularly for the National Health Service. These ideas complement many others that will undoubtedly emerge in public discourse in the times ahead.

They constitute our contribution to a debate that should, beyond addressing overarching issues, identify specific areas where we believe intervention is crucial. Unlike the typical approach during electoral phases, our intention is not to present solutions but rather propose actions, identify the contexts in which they are situated, and specify the entities that can analyze and resolve them within a certain timeframe.

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Authors: António Rendas; Carolina Borges da Cunha Santos; Eduardo Costa; Filipe Costa; Joana Gomes da Costa; Maria Rita Paiva Pessoa; Mariana Videira; Mário Ribeiro; Pedro Pita Barros (Coord.); Rita Dias Pereira

*This document represents the authors' opinions, exercised as citizens, without necessarily reflecting any position or opinion of the institutions with which they are affiliated.

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